There are a few reasons why your transaction might not be successful.
It could be due to network instability, bank problems, or payment gateway issues.
If your transaction isn't successful, you'll be sent back to our payments page.
You can either try again or choose a different payment method.
One common reason for unsuccessful credit and bank card payments is 3D Secure.
To approve these transactions, make sure you can access the approval prompt through
your banking app on your phone.
If you're struggling to make an EFT payment, make sure you have entered your correct
bank login details on the gateway payment page.
RCS transactions might fail due to an incorrect OTP when verifying your transaction.
For MoreTyme transactions, make sure you have a sufficient MoreTyme balance to complete
your payment. MoreTyme transactions also have a minimum limit of R50.
If your TFG Money payment is unsuccessful, please contact the Bash Support team
at to assist you.